Ethernet Servers Scheduled Migration


As time goes on, the industry changes. New hardware is released, meanwhile older hardware reaches EOL (End Of Life). Today, we’re pleased to announce a significant platform upgrade that we’re going to be delivering to all of our vps customers, at no extra cost.

The newer and more powerful hardware delivers more processing power (up from 8 to 24 CPUs) and faster disks, which we are certain will deliver a noticeable benefit to all of our customers. Web pages will be much faster to load, backups will be quicker to complete, and general system responsiveness will be better than ever before.

Additionally, the new platform utilizes OpenVZ 7 (rather than the current OpenVZ 6) which will allow things like popular tools such as Docker to be used.

As part of this upgrade, we’re moving to a new data center (INAP). This does, unfortunately, mean that IP addresses are changing, however we firmly believe the work involved is very much worth it, and will make our platform significantly faster and more stable than it currently is, which we are aware is not ideal at times as it currently stands.

We will be transferring your VPS to the new hardware as specified below:

SERVICE: 198.23.*.*
START DATE: Sunday 21st July 2019

We are unable to give an estimate of how long it will take to migrate your service, however we will be around throughout the entire process and aiming to reply to support tickets within 15 minutes at most, so please feel free to ask for a progress update.

We will reply back here as soon as the migration is complete, letting you know your new IP address at that time.

Furthermore, we are happy to migrate your VPS sooner than that if you would like, simply let us know a date and time that’s most convenient for you.

Kind regards,

贵州网友:eth 3.6 涨价之后就扔了
浙江网友:最近有几家新上ovz都是7 了。

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