



As many of you are aware a recent Cloudflare memory leak was reported. This exploit resulted in sensitive encrypted data being viewable in plaintext primarily through major search engine caches but potentially in realtime as well. As of this posting the exploit has been fixed and we’re told no further disclosures are occurring.

Hawk Host utilizes Cloudflare services for its own web properties. We have searched extensively for any indication that our customers data was disclosed and have so far found no sign that we were personally affected by this exploit. We have also been told by Cloudflare directly that there is no indication from their side that our websites or properties were involved in the leak. We will continue to ensure this is the case through both our own research and working with Cloudflare and any new information they can provide us.

Despite there being no indication of information disclosure from our websites or properties we strongly recommend all customers change their passwords just to be safe. Please use the following URLs to complete your resets:

账户修改密码地址lient Area Password Reset URL:https://my.hawkhost.com/pwreset.php



未经允许不得转载:美国VPS_搬瓦工CN2 GIA VPS » HawkHost账户和虚拟主机账户记得修改密码

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