毛子机全世界丢包 100%,有一样的吗。


然后我重装了  一直卡在 74% 。


Starting from November 16, 2019, we fixed problems for some of our customers
with the integration of servers located at the “Cheap vps” tariff with our
personal account.
For your server, password generation will be fixed, controls, including
buttons on and off the servers, integration services, including the ability to
delete the server.
For the corrections to take effect, it will be necessary to reboot your
server, and the general downtime during technical work can take from several
hours to a day.

We understand your concerns, but we don’t have obligations under the SLA at
this tariff, therefore, as a bonus for patience, we give you a 30% discount
code for other tariff plans that provide support and downtime compensation:

。用google 翻译是什么意思???完全看不懂!

维护吗??从 16 号维护到现在还没好???

未经允许不得转载:美国VPS_搬瓦工CN2 GIA VPS » 毛子机全世界丢包 100%,有一样的吗。

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