Google voice 刚刚发信息来说账号要过期了?



We noticed that you haven’t used your Google Voice number in a while. Because phone numbers are a limited resource, it is our policy to reclaim unused numbers so they can be made available to new users.

If you’d like to keep your Google Voice number *****, you will need to make calls or send text messages by 2019年12月3日 by logging in to your account or using one of our mobile apps.

Please remember that your current number will be reclaimed in 30 days unless you start using it. If the number is reclaimed, your existing messages will remain available in your account, but you will no longer be able to receive calls or text messages.

The Google Voice Team

难道现在必须要打电话或者发短信才行了? 以前我记得好像是搞个小程序,每个月自动给GV打电话,就能保号啊?

江西网友:ifttt 可以帮你保号,过几个月自动打一次你的号码。

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